have you ever been annoyed by my chinese style of writing?

Of course there is somebody did so, or else I won't post the quote here. I blunt the exact words he used because it's too threatening, and thus my defense mechansim is being activated to protect me. Yeah. I need to be protected, and so as every female creature in this world. Please handle us with care.

Language is juz a code to convey your own feelings. It is dead if it fails to do so. Yeah. My language is dead. Orangeee is certified by a chop over my forehead. Thank you very much. This page is dead, and so as the words of the owner.

Sometimes I juz ask myself I feel like being hurt because I can't accept criticisms, or I juz care about him and so as his words? But that's impossible right?

Everything in this world got an expiry date and we need to consume it once before it gone rotten. Something goes straight rotten before I remember to consume it. It juz slips through my fingers. I am too careless, well, too careless as usual.

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���C�¦a - 2004-12-16
packing day - 2004-01-13
���i - 2004-01-11
�J���� - 2004-01-06
�i�k�k�H - 2004-01-05
